I provide thorough and professional surveys and always follow up to ensure you're fully informed and understand the report.
Buying a property to live in is the biggest financial commitment most people ever make. The right survey will help you make that commitment with more confidence. Yes it can identify defects that you didn’t know existed, or the seriousness of which you may not have appreciated, but more than that it will give you a good understanding of what you are taking on and can help you make a properly informed decision.
Don't confuse this with the valuation report your bank or mortgage lender provides. That is an inspection carried out on behalf of your mortgage lender (for their benefit - not yours) to determine the amount (value) a property is worth. It is not a detailed survey and you should not rely on it. Some valuations are carried out without even visiting the property.
My Surveys
Combining a clear, easy to understand format with a great depth of information, my surveys give just what you need to make the big decisions about your new home.
I offer 2 levels of survey but they both start the same way - with a thorough inspection of your property. Covering everything from the roof down to the floor and below I take at least 3 to 5 hours at the property and can take more for larger properties or those in particularly poor condition.
I never schedule more than one survey a day and that means that I don't cut corners or tick boxes just to get on to my next job.
The 2 levels of survey are:
Home Survey
Suitable for most properties. Focuses on the condition and defects.
The home survey is most suitable for conventional properties built from about 1880 onwards and which are in reasonable condition. Using an easy to understand traffic light system the report will describe the condition of the property, identify any risks and potential legal issues and highlight any urgent defects. It also includes advice on defects that may affect the value of the property with repairs. The inspection and report are detailed but less comprehensive and briefer than a building survey.
Building Survey
Suitable for larger or more complex properties. Provides more detail on building construction, diagnosis of defects and recommended repairs
The Building Survey is recommended for larger or older properties, or if you are planning major renovation works.
This is the most comprehensive report, it includes the same inspection as a home survey but adds an in-depth analysis of the property’s condition, including advice on defects, repairs and maintenance options.